20 May 2009

Oh the kids back then...

Bicycle safety films are always funny, notably for their cheeseyness. When I started watching this one I didn't expect anything different.

Watch the whole thing

Understandably when I finished watching this I was pretty shocked at how a 'safety film' could bluntly instate so much fear into prospective young cyclists.

Now watch the film again, but this time i'll tell you it was not actually a real 'safety film,' but an experimental short film. Listen to every part of the commentary carefully and notice how every word said is designed drill fear into you. The same goes with the visuals before each kid dies. However the majority of the footage is nice and cheerful and along with the music and tone of the narrators voice, the actual words being spoken don't seem so disturbing thus leaving them to be subconsciously soaked up without properly acknowledging them.

I don't want to go on about this too much because it's best you make up your own mind about it, but the purpose of this film is to show how messages can be subliminally hammered into you yet masqueraded by visuals. Methods like these are used in so many aspects of life (most notably advertisement.) I don't think there's too much wrong with it, because everyone is guilty of it, you've got to be aware of it.


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